В Крыму есть три крепости, построенные итальянцами из Генуи: в Судаке, в Феодосии, в Балаклаве. Судак небольшой исторический город, и популярный курорт Крыма, известный своей Генуэзской крепостью, прекрасно сохранившейся с давних времён. (далее…)
Posts Tagged ‘ЮБК’
Чудеса Поляны Сказок.
Существует множество различных музеев под открытым небом, которые прекрасно вписываются в окружающий ландшафт и великолепно дополняют его.
«Поляна сказок» — удивительный природный музей, который уютно расположился у подножья Крестовой скалы (Ставри-Кая) «), на правом берегу ручья «Падающая Вода», близ Ялты. (далее…)
Модный курорт Суук-Су.
Суук-Су («Холодная Вода») – это название речушки, впадающей в Чёрное море, недалеко от Гурзуфа. Судьба, возникшего в конце XIX века, курорта Суук-Су тесно связана с судьбой талантливого инженера Владимира Ильича Березина, происходившего из дворян Полтавской губернии и его жены Ольги. (далее…)
Крым – круглый год.
Однажды побывав в Крыму, каждый мечтает снова вернуться в этот сказочный мир, наполненный ярким солнцем, солёным запахом моря, неповторимыми красотами Крымских просторов. Южный берег Крыма украшает красавица Ялта, раскинувшаяся на берегу Чёрного моря у самого подножья живописных гор.
Как жаль, что туристы приезжают полюбоваться красотами Крыма, только летом! Как известно, у природы нет плохой погоды… Нет никакого сомнения в том, что Крыму есть, что показать в любое время года.
«Крым – круглый год!» — под таким девизом прошла IX Международная туристическая выставка, в гостиничном комплексе «Ялта-Интурист». (далее…)
Maximilian Voloshin.
Maximilian Voloshin at the age of 15 in 1893 visited Koktebel and fell in love with the beautiful land forever. He found the colours to express the Cimmerian landscape of the Crimea in painting and poetry. His house was visited by many famous writers, poets and artists: Veresayev, Alexander Grin, Ilia Erenburg and Alexey Tolstoy.
Maximilian Voloshin gave his own big house to his friends — writers, artists, poets, who visited him in hot summer and mild autumn. Maximilian helped them to keep their health and they lasted their creative work.
Mikhail Bulgakov, best known as the author of `The Master and Margerita’, was invited to come and stay in the house in Koktebel by Voloshin after his first novel `The White Guard’ began to be serialised in the journal «Russia» in 1925. Read more… (далее…)
Museums in Yalta.
The museums in Yalta are not numerous but they are very interesting.
One of them is Chekhov’s Museum, it is the house where the great Russian writer lived. Chekhov acquired a plot of land in Yalta in 1898. Chekhov’s house was built according to a project of Russian architect Leonid Shapovalov. It was a house with its mezzanine and side wing.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov lived and worked in this house from 1899 to 1904. He made a good plan for the garden around his house and he planted a lot of trees, bushes, flowers in his garden. There was a silence-corner with the small bench surrounded by lilac bushes and the stream with a small brige over it in Chekhov’s garden. As far as he fond of fishing and he planted bamboo for the fish-rod at the stream in his garden.
Anton Chekhov is “the Pushkin of prose”, spent his last years in Yalta. He worked a lot in his Yalta-house, here were written such a famous works as his story «Lady with Lapdog», the play «Three Sisters» and «The Cherry Orchard», the «Short story in the Ravine», the Stories «A New Summer Home», «The Bride».
When Chekhov was unwell, he worked in his bedroom, the living room also served as the dining room. Chekhov read his plays to the actors of Moscow Art theatre who visited him in Yalta.
The famous Russian writers Lev Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin, Maksim Gorky, Alexander Kuprin, Vladimir Korolenko, artist Isaak Levitan, the famouse Russian singer Feodor Chaliapin sang and Sergey Rachmaninov and Peter Chaykovskiy played the piano in Chekhov’s house.
Each year many tourists visit the Chekhov Museum. They come here to pay tribute to the writer and to get a feeling for the atmosphere surrounded Anton Chekhov. It’s very interesting to see the environment in which Chekhov lived during the last years of his life. (далее…)
Sevastopol’s Monuments of Glory.
There are many monuments of Glory in Sevastopol. The Monument to the Scuttled Ships became an emblem of Sevastopol
During the Crimean war (1853-56) Russian sailing vessels were scuttled at the entrance to the Northern Bay in 1854 and 1855 in accordance with the order of admiral Nakhimovto obstruct the enemy ships the entrance to the roadsteads and so to save Sevastopol». (далее…)
Glade of Fairy Tales and Zoo in Yalta.
There is a distinctive open-air museum — Glade of Fairy-Tales (“Polyana Skazok”) in Yalta. It was founded by folk artists Pavel Pavlovich Bezrukov in 1960 . The Glade of Fairy-Tales is situated at the foot of Stavry-Kaya cliff (“Cross cliff”) on the right bank of the Vodopadnaya Stream (“Waterfall stream”). There is a wonderful collection of wooden sculptures on fairy-tale theames.
It is an open air museum with a collection of 300 wooden sculptures, the personages of the popular Russian and Ukrainian fairy-tales, Crimean and Greek legends, many beloved cartoons heroes. They were made by 56 professional artists and skilled craftsmen from Yalta, Simferopol, Kiev, Moscow, Pervouralsk (Russia), Vilnus (Litvenia), Erevan (Armenia).
You can see fantastical fairy-tale characters transformed from old stumps, logs or roots.
At the entrance thirty mighty heroes stand on guard defending the rest of the inhabitants of the glade.
A hut on the hen’s feet, a mermaid and a wood sprite, Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf, the Fire-bird, Baba-Yaga and Kashchey Immortal — these are the figures from Slavic fairy tales which you will meet in the Glade.
Lesoviki — little wood dwarfs — are under the branches of a Crimean oak whispering something to each other. They look funny and amusing! The cracked stump of an old horn-beam tree, gnarled roots and moss helped to make the head of a fairy-tale giant. What a funny Hedgehogs! They look as if they have been made of a whole piece of wood occasionally found in the forest. Listen to them and you will hear a lot of their secrets. (далее…)
The Livadia Palace.
Livadia (“Meadow”) is a settlement 6 kilometers far from Yalta. The main sight in the settlement is the Livadia Palace. It is the former summer residence of the Russian tsar. The paiace was built by the architect Nickolai Krasnov in 1911, and for his work Nickolai Krasnov was given the title of Academician in Architecture. (далее…)
The Alupka Palace
The Alupka Palace is the main sight of the town. It was built for one of the richest landlords of Russia, the governor-general of the Novorossiysky Krai, Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov.
The palatial ensemble embodies many typical features of the 16th century English Tudor castle.
The palace was built according to a project by English architect Edward Blore (1789–1879)
The count incorporated many English architects into the work:F. Elson built the old House and the Tea House. F. Bauffod and T. Harrison were busy with the design. An important architectural characteristic of the Alupka palace was its relation to the nearby Crimean Mountains, with which it harmonized perfectly.
Stone walls, loophole windows and triangular buttresses give the palace the appearance of a medieval castle. But when you enter the front courtyard here you’ll see that the palace resembles nobleman’s country- seat. It is organically integrated into the surrounding landscape.
The Alupka Palace is now an architectural and art museum. It contains the furnishings and art collections, which had been in the palace itself and the collections from other estates on the Southern coast of the Crimea. On the interior walls of the entrance hall is an inscription written in Arabic: «There is no Conqueror, except Allah.» (далее…)
Our country is distinguished for an unusual variety of nature but there are few truly warm subtropical places on its immense territory — the South Coast of the Crimea. Each has features of its own.
The Crimean South Coast enjoys a particular popularity. As the sociologists’ research has shown a tremendous number of people prefer taking a holiday precisely here, due to the traditions, proximity to the densely populated centers, reliability of the transport connections and, of course, the climate. A few kilometers away, beyond the mountain passes, a snow-storm may rage, while on the South Coast loquat and honeysuckle are in bloom.
Naturally, frosts do occur, sometimes snow falls, but on the whole, the winter here is more like the autumn in the Central Belt of Russia. This phenomenon is accounted for both by the mountains and the warm sea. (далее…)
The Sudak fortress.
Sudak is a small historic town located in Crimea. Today it is a popular resort, best known for its Genoese fortress, the best preserved on the northern shore of the Black Sea.
The Sudak fortress is an outstanding monument of fortification architecture of the 14-15th centuries. It was built by the Genoese who settled in Feodosia and began to develop the Black Sea Coast in the XIII century.
Enlarging their dominion they seized Soldaia (later name Sudak) in 1365. To consolidate their power the Genoese built mighty fortresses. One of the major ones was the fortress in Sudak, built from 1371 to 1469. (далее…)
Simeiz (“Sign”) is located by the southern slopes of the main range of Crimean Mountains at the base of Mount Koshka, 18 kilometers (12 miles) west from Yalta.
There are prehistoric dolmens nearby; Simeiz (“Sign”) lies in the locality where at one time there were Tauri settlements and fortifications.
Their remains are to be found on the mount Koshka (“Cat-mount”)-it is the shape of the mountain resembles a sitting cat.
The height is 254 metres. On the mountain’s western slope lies the biggest Tauri necropolis on the Southern coast.
In the Middle Ages the area was under the control of the Byzantine Empire, which built a fortified monastery in the vicinity .
As the Byzantine power weakened, the area fell under the control of Genoa, which in its turn gave way to the Ottoman Empire; under the Ottomans the village was ruled from Mangup.
By 1778, with the departure of the Christian population, the village was depopulated.
The ruins of a monastery and fortified walls which stands on the seashore are seen near the Sail – Rock.
Oreanda. Gaspra. Koreiz.
If you walk from Livadia palace along the «Sunny path” (former «Tsar’s path»)
a haif- rofunda. Below stretches a very old park in the midst of which lies the cluster of buildings of the Nizhnyaya Oreanda Sanatorium.
In the 1820s the Romanovs acquired Oreanda (“Border”) and in 1852 a luxurious palace was built here for the Grand Duke Constantine. But the palace was burnt down in 1882.
The park was laid out while the palace was being built; the contours of its small ponds reproduce
the outlines of the Sea of Azov, the Black, the Caspian and the Aral Seas.
On the elevation to the left of the sanatorium stands a grey church, which was built from the stones of the burnt down palace. This church is mentioned in Chekhov’s story «The Lady with the Dog».
The first written reference to Alupka dates back to the year 960 A.D. The name is supposed to derive from the Greek word «alepu» which means «a fox». The settlement is situated on the mountainous terrain and is unplanned. Homes were built along the mountain paths, which now are the streets. (далее…)
Miskhor -“Half Town”.
Miskhor (“Half Town”) is a resort situated between Yalta and Alupka
The first known inhabitants in these parts were the Tauri, then Romans built a fortress on Cape Ai-Todor.
In the Middle Ages the Romans withdrew from the Southern Coast and a monastery was founded by Fyodor Tyron on Cape Ai — Todor (“Saint Theodore”).
The Swallow’s Nest. Read more… (далее…)